29 August 2010

gila dan menggila...

eemm xtau la npe..but arif looking 4 me again..eemm ok tpu la klu ckp feeling lme tu xde lg..ada gak a bit wlau mrh cmner pn kn..eemm b4 diz xpnh pn nak trme my ex back..ok ckp cmtu not mean dat org trme dia blk ok..juz cm tbe2 tertimbang blk my feeling..eemm rindu lg ke kat dia??not sure tp after yg dia wat kat org dlu i still cant 4give him lorr..huhuhu dia wat org cm nothing 2 him..ske2 je nak tgl kn org cmtu...what da hell la kan..oppsss....bulan pose ni..censored cket bhse..tp xley la...eemm ok what eva la...so cte kat my fren..ada logic nye dia ckp cmtu..xnak org get hurt lg...by da same person..n dia ingt kan org kat 'dia' = my kaka..hehe ok at a moment org terlupa my feeling towards him....sowy gle2..bkn apa..ble ati org yg sgt myayangi, mnyukai n menyintai dia xde response from him n ble my lonely heart (cheh ayt mmg xley blah kan,,sdh la ko feez..) xbbls n xde response frm him mle la dia nak pk n merewang kat org len..gila la ko ni feez..cuba jgn cmni..cuba jd cm sang pokok yg setia..eemm i will...

to him, yg sgt org syg..eemm sowy terlupa psl u sat..hehe tp ble i tgk ur face rs tu ada trs...eemm so dgn rasmi nye rs pd arif da xde..org da renung ati n diri ni..rs nye ada dia je..tp dgn harapan arif xggu org lg..huhuhu ley ke cmtu??cm ssh je..eemm

tbe2 je tingt pesan mama, da xde pape ngn arif ni xyah la cri pkwe br..kwn2 xpe..t da kje br pk...eemm well ati org da kne mek la mama..without he realizing it...so how??emmtp org juz let it b dlu...bia la ati org kat dia..xtau cmne org ley jd cmni...so juz pray 4 my happiness k....i really like him mama...eemm

ok enough with diz feeling....need 2 concentrate wif my stdy n life..da cm ape da my life skng ni...slalu sgt headache skng ni...smlm je smpi xley nak angkt ple...eemm so tdo da whole da..pose2 ni tdo da whole day??eemm xley nak wat apa ok...juz yesterday je...

to arif : hope xyah la nak cri org blk..i had enough wif wat u done 2 me..
to him : i'll wait 4 u no matter how long it be...my heart is wif u oleady...
to mama : pray 4 my success n my love story ok...really need ur bless...

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